#1 New York Locksmith Professionals New York City,
NY - Dictionary C's Page.
#1 New York Locksmith Professionals are licensed, bonded and insured. Call Our Toll Free # (866) 369-9643
- C label
- n. a classification by
Underwriters Laboratories for doors with 3/4 hour rated fire protection
- cabin-door hook
- n. a U-shaped latch that pivots to encircle a strike projection
- cable wired remote relocker
- n. a spring
loaded relock, triggered by release of the attached wire
- cam
- n. 1. a lock or
cylinder component which transfers the rotational motion
of a key or cylinder plug to the bolt works of a lock 2.
the bolt of a cam lock
- cam
- n. a complete
locking assembly in the form of a cylinder whose cam is
the actual locking bolt
- cane bolt
- n. a surface mounted deadbolt designed to be moved by
hand via a 90º bend in the bolt that serves as a handle
- cap
- 1. n. a spring
cover for a single pin chamber 2. n. a part which may
serve as a plug retainer and/or a holder for the
tailpiece 3. v. to install a cap
- capping
- n. a holding
fixture for certain interchangeable cores which aids in
the installation of the caps
- captains wheel
- n. 1. a spoked handle on a safe used to extend or retract the bolts, 2. a spoked handle on a safe used to engage or disengage the pressure system
- captured combination bit position
- n. the position
where a movable key insert is placed on a key
- captured hinge
- n. a hinge system for safes where
the door may not be lifted off the body of the safe without the removal of
one of the hinge blocks
- card access system
- n. an access
control system that utilizes a controlled security card as
the credential
card holder
- n. a person
to whom a card has been issued
- card
- n. a device which
interprets coding resident on or in cards
- carriage
- n. 1. the movable
assembly of a key machine which supports the key vise(s),
2. a changeable part of a clipper that holds the key blank
- carry bar
- n. the part
of a multi-bolt safe boltworks to which the bolts are attached
- case
- n. the housing or
body of a lock
- case
- n. the portion of a
lock case which is designed to be removable to allow
access to the mechanism
- casement window
- n. a window with
a sash which pivots or swings to open
- case
- n. any ward
directly attached to or projecting from a lock case
- catch
- n. any device
that holds a door closed and may be released by simply pushing
or pulling on the door
- abb. construction breakout key
abb. Counter Clockwise, as used in combination dialing instructions
- central processing
- adj. of or pertaining to an access control system in which all or most
control functions are performed by the main computer
- central
- n. a location
designed for the express purpose of processing status
signals for multiple alarm systems
- certificate
of occupancy
- n. a document,
granted by the authority having jurisdiction, permitting
occupancy or use
- chain bolt
- n. a spring
biased bolt operated by an attached chain,
typically for mounting to the top of a door
- chain lock
- n. a device
used to secure property with interlocking
links and secured on both ends by a slide plate or a
key locking device
- chamber
- n. any cavity in a
cylinder plug and/or shell which houses the tumblers
- change
- n. the point on a
key changeable combination lock dial ring to which the
old and new combinations must be dialed when changing the
- change key
- n. 1. a key
which operates only one cylinder or one group of keyed alike
cylinders in a keying system, 2. any device that is used to
mechanically or electronically allow resetting of certain key
or combination locks, see also "reset key" #1
- changeable
bit key
- n. a key which can
be recombinated by exchanging and/or rearranging portions
of its bit or blade
- changeable fence
- n. the fence of a lever tumbler lock composed of multiple segments which may
be set to various positions in order to change the combination of the lock
- changeable lever
- n. a lever
tumbler typically made in two or more pieces
which can be variably positioned with each other to
change the effective location of the gate
- changeable tumbler
- n. a tumbler whose reference size can be
changed mechanically without removal from the lock or
- chassis
- n. the part
of a cylindrical lockset that contains the actuating mechanism
and has a means for mounting trim and a bolt
- check pin
- n. a device resembling a bottom pin, found in a non-traditional chamber,
used to restrict the rotation of the plug unless a specific area of the
key is cut
- cheek
- n. a projection
from a lock case that serves as a guide or race for another part
- Chubb
- n. a hinged shackle
with a pierced hole for the bolt in its movable end
- abb. the title "Certified Institutional Locksmith" as awarded
by ILA
- circular strike
- n. a typically round, finished strike, usually driven into place in a
drilled hole
- abb. the title "Certified Journeyman Institutional Locksmith" as
awarded by ILA
- abb. the title Certified
Journeyman Locksmith as awarded by the Professional Locksmith
Association of Alberta
- abb. the title
"Certified Journeyman Safecracker" as awarded
by NSO
- CK
- 1. abb. change key
2. abb. control key
- cladding
- n. an outer casing,
usually metallic, typically filled with concrete to protect a safe
against theft or penetration
- clamshell
- n. the two
piece housing (usually plastic) that encases the upper
steering column and ignition lock on some automotive applications
- claw
- n. a bolt with one
or more fingers, which extend out of the bolt and lock
behind the strike as the bolt reaches the locked position
- clear
- n. a portal
providing clearance through which passage is unhampered
- clevis
- n. a device to
permanently attach a chain to a padlock
- clipper
- n. a hand held key
bitting punch, often incorporating a trigger-like handle
- closed
- adj. pertaining to
a lever tumbler whose gate is pierced into the body of
the tumbler. The lever(s) surround the fence in both the
locked and unlocked positions.
- closed
- n. a knob without
an opening in its face
- closed loop
- n. a detection
circuit where discontinuity in a branch
will result in a reportable condition
- closer size
- adj. a numerical
value related to the applied force of a door closer, with a
larger number being a stronger force. Older closers were
assigned alphabetic size designations, where A was the smallest.
- closet
- n. a latchset which
has a turning device with minimum projection in place of
the inside knob or lever
- closet
- n. a spindle with a
thumbturn attached to one end
- closing combinated
- adj. pertaining to a lever lock which is automatically
combinated to the last key to extend the bolt
- cloverleaf cam
- n. a style
of mortise cylinder cam with three lobes: a ball shaped
longer center, and angular projections on either side
- clutch
- n. 1. the part of a profile cylinder which transfers rotational motion from
the inside or outside element to a common cam or actuator, 2. the feature of a
lever handle lockset which allows free movement of the lever when locked, 3.
the feature of a cylinder which allows turning the plug without operation of
the lock when a certain pressure is applied without the correct key
- abb. the title "Certified Master Institutional Locksmith" as
awarded by ILA
- abb. construction
master key
- CMK'd
- abb. construction
master keyed
- abb. the title
"Certified Master Locksmith" as awarded by ALOA
- abb. the title "Certified Master
Safecracker" as awarded by NSO
- abb. the title
"Certified Master Safe Technician" as awarded by SAVTA
- CO
- abb. certificate of
- code
- n. 1. a
designation assigned to a particular key combination for
reference when additional keys or cylinders may be needed.
See also, "blind code", "direct code", and
"key symbol", 2. a standard for Life Safety,
structural integrity, fire safety, etc., either incorporated
into the statutes of a given jurisdiction, or a model standard
- code
- n. a key cut to a
specific code rather than duplicated from a pattern key.
it may or may not conform to the lock manufacturer's
- code
original key
- n. a code key which
conforms to the lock manufacturer's specifications
- code series
- n. an ordered sequence of unique codes related to specific key combinations,
key sections and manufacturers
- coercivity
- adj. the measure
(usually expressed in Oersteds) of a magnetic material's
resistance to being recorded or erased. Magnetic stripe
cards are either low coercivity or high coercivity.
- comb attack
- n. 1. a pin
tumbler defeat tactic using a series of
straight pins or teeth on a single tool, intended to
push the pin stack past the shear line, 2. a defeat
tactic used to force a spring cover off a pin tumbler
- combinate
- v. to set a
combination in a lock, cylinder, or key
- combination
- n. the group of
numbers which represent the bitting of a key and/or the
tumblers of a lock or cylinder
- combination
- n. a lock which
is operated by local input of a specific series or
sequence of numbers or letters
- combination
- n. a type of disc
tumbler used in certain binary type disc tumbler
key-in-knob looks. Its presence requires that a cut be
made in that position of the operating key(s)
- combination wheel
- n. a wheel
type tumbler in a combination lock
- compensate
- v. to select longer
or shorter top pins, depending on the length of the rest
of the pin stack, in order to achieve a uniform pin stack
- complementary
- n. usually a disc
tumbler keyway used in master keying. It accepts keys of
different sections whose blades contact different bearing
surfaces of the tumblers.
- composite blank
- n. a blank designed to
enter two or more simplex keyways
- composite
- n. a keyway which
has been enlarged to accept more than one key section,
often key sections of more than one manufacturer
- compound
bitted key
- n. a key with at
least one compound cut
- compound
- n. a bitting which
has another bitting dimension within its dimensions
- compound lever
- n. a lever
tumbler that has two or more distinct sweeps
contacted by two or more different keys
- concealed key control
n. a specification that all keys and the non-visible portion of all lock
cylinders be stamped with standard keying symbols
- concealed
screw rose
- n. KIK or KIL trim that
snaps into place to hide mounting screws
- concealed
shell cylinder
- n. a specially
constructed (usually mortise) cylinder. Only the plug
face is visible when the lock trim is in place
- concealed vertical rod exit device
- n. a vertical
rod exit device whose rods and header/threshold
bolts are concealed within the door
- concrete
- n. an enclosure for
mounting a floor closer
- configured pin
- n. a bottom
pin which is designed not to rotate along its long axis,
often associated with off-centerline chambers
- constant
- n. any bitting(s)
which are identical in corresponding positions from one
key to another in a keying system. They usually serve to
group these keys together within a given level of keying,
and/or link them with keys of other levels. See also
"rotating constant"
- construction
breakout key
- n. a key used by
some manufacturers to render all construction master keys
permanently inoperative
- construction
- n. an
interchangeable or removable core designed for use during
the construction phase of a building. The cores are
normally keyed alike and, upon completion of
construction, they are to be replaced by the permanent
system's cores.
- construction hole
- n. a recess
or pocket designed to receive ball bearings
in lost-ball keying. The size and/or shape of the recess
is such that a pin tumbler cannot enter it.
- construction
master key
- n. a key normally
used by construction personnel for a temporary period
during building construction. It may be rendered
permanently inoperative without disassembling the
- construction
master keyed
- adj. of or
pertaining to a cylinder which is or is to be operated
temporarily by a construction master key
- contact
- n. the gate
area in a combination lock drive cam where the lever nose
does not contact the drive cam
- contact point(s)
- n. the area
on each side of the drive cam gate that the lever nose makes
contact with. Most locks have a left contact point and a
right contact point.
- contact switch
- n. a electrical, magnetic or mechanical device that triggers a
circuit(s) to open or closed depending on the application
- contactless
smart card
- n. a card, conforming to
the physical characteristics specified in ISO 7813 & 10536,
which contains one or more integrated circuits and does not use
contacts to obtain power and allow interface to external equipment
- continuous
- adj. designed to
sustain application of power for extended periods
- control
- n. in an
interchangeable or removable core, any chamber which has
a control shear line, which is different from the
operating shear line
- control
- n. any bitting
which operates the retaining device of an interchangeable
or removable core
- control
- n. in certain
interchangeable or removable cores, the distance between
the operating shear line and the control shear line,
expressed either in units of the increment or as a
- control
- n. 1. a key whose
only purpose is to remove and/or install an
interchangeable or removable core 2. a bypass key used to
operate and/or reset some combination type locks 3. a key
which allows disassembly of some removable cylinder locks
- control
- n. that part of an
interchangeable or removable core-retaining device which
locks the core into its housing
- control
- n. a number used to
calculate the size of the build-up pin when; (a) the
sizes of bottom and master pins are known, or (b) the
bitting depths of all operating keys are known
- control
shear line
- n. the shear line
which allows operation of the control lug of an
interchangeable or removable core
- control
- n. the part of an
interchangeable or removable core retaining device which
surrounds the plug
- controlled
cross keying
- n. a condition in
which two or more different keys of the same level of
keying and under the same higher level key(s) operate one
cylinder by design; e.g., XAA1 operated by AA2 (but not
XAA1 operated by AB1)
- Note: This
condition could severely limit the security of the
cylinder and the maximum expansion of the system when (1)
more than a few of these different keys operate a
cylinder, or (2) more than a few differently cross keyed
cylinders per system are required.
- controller
- n. a device that has decision making capability by way of authentication
or lookup in a database. It serves a control function by having output
relays or other interfaces with other devices which may include other
controllers, electric strikes, alarms, or printers.
- convertible dial
- n. a dial
that is designed to readily accept a key locking core at any
- coordinator
- n. in conjunction
with a pair of doors, a device designed to cause the
inactive leaf to close first
- core
- n. a complete unit,
often with a "figure eight" shape, which
usually consists of the plug, shell, tumblers, springs,
plug retainer and spring cover(s). It is primarily used
in removable and interchangeable core cylinders and locks.
- corner
- n. a door closer
mounting plate attached to the upper corner of the jamb
- covert entry
- n. the use of entry or bypass techniques that can only be
detected via disassembly and/or detailed inspection of lock components
- abb. the title
"Certified Professional Locksmith" as awarded
- abb. the title
"Certified Protection Professional" as awarded
- abb. the title "Certified
Professional Safe Technician" as awarded by SAVTA
- crane hinge
- n. a three leaf hinge assembly with two of the leaves being mounted to
the body and door and the third only to the other two leaves
- abb. the title
"Certified Registered Locksmith" as awarded by
- credential
- n. any
authorizing instrument, other than a mechanical key, that
can cause entry to be allowed
- cremone bolt
- n. a surface
mounted, top and bottom locking, deadbolt
mechanism operated by a central handle
- cross-bore
- n. a hole drilled
into the face of a door where a bored or interconnected
lockset is to be installed
- cross
- n. the deliberate
process of combinating a cylinder (usually in a master
key system) to two or more different keys which would not
normally be expected to operate it together. See also
"controlled cross keying" and
"uncontrolled cross keying."
- cruciform
- adj. of or
pertaining to a key section or keyway which usually
resembles a plus sign (+) or the letter "X"
- abb. Construction
Specifiers Institute
- cuff
- n. a sleeve
mounted around a steering column to protect the column
- cup escutcheon
- n. lock trim that
creates a recess in a door face and does not protrude beyond
the door face
- cup handle
- n. a fitting
recessed into a door surface to provide a
finger grip with which to move the door
- cupboard
- n. a latching
mechanism typically surface mounted to the outside of
cabinet doors or drawers
- curb
- n. a round safe lock cover that is rabbeted and has a wheel post as an
integral part of its construction
- curb post
- n. a wheel post attached to a curb
- curtain (British)
- n. in a lever tumbler
lock, a device that blocks access to the keyhole when
the key is turned
- curved
lip strike
- n. a strike so
shaped as to effect smoother function of the latch while
the door is closing
- cut
- v. to make cuts
into a key blade, see also "key cut(s)"
- cut
- n. a measurement,
usually expressed in degrees, for the angle between the
two sides of a key cut, see also "degree of
- cutaway
- 1. adj. of or
pertaining to a device with material removed or a
transparent cover to expose and demonstrate a mechanism
or feature 2. n. any cutaway product
- cut
- n. the portion of
the key blade which contains the cuts
- cut key
- n. a key which has
been bitted or combinated
- cut
- n. the bottom of a
key cut
- cut
root shape
- n. the shape of the
bottom of a key cut. It may have a flat or radius of a
specific dimension, or be a perfect "V"
- cutter
- n. the part of a
key machine which makes the cuts into the key blank
- cutter guard
- n. a shield over
a key machine cutter to protect the operator
- CW
abb. Clockwise, as used in combination dialing instructions
- cylinder
- n. a complete
operating unit which usually consists of the plug shell,
tumblers, springs, plug retainer, a cam/tailpiece or
other actuating device, and all other necessary operating
- cylinder
- n. a dummy cylinder
which has a solid face and no operating parts
- cylinder
- n. a spring steel
device used to secure some types of cylinders
- cylinder
- n. a plate or ring
installed under the head of a cylinder to improve
appearance and/or security
- cylinder
- n. a protective
cylinder mounting device
- cylinder
- n. a broad generic term
including virtually all keys for pin and disc tumbler locks
- cylinder lock
- n. any lock
that is operated by a cylinder key
- cylindrical
- n. a bored lockset
whose latch or bolt locking mechanism is contained in the
portion installed through the cross-bore
This listing of
the glossary is courtesy of

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