#1 New York Locksmith Professionals New York City,
NY - Dictionary M's Page.
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- abb. maximum
adjacent cut specification
- magic
- n. for an SFIC,
a value from which subtracting the control cut depth will result in the
correct top pin size, or, subtracting the top pin size will result in the
control cut depth
- magnetic
- n. an electrical
switch activated by magnetic attraction or repulsion
magnetic latch
- n. a latch which
uses magnetic force to stay engaged with its strike
- magnetic stripe
- n. a thin layer of material consisting of
oriented ferromagnetic oxide particles held together by a
resin binder and bonded to a non-magnetic surface such as
paper or plastic
- magnetically positioned pin
- n. a pin tumbler requiring magnetic energy to position it, rather than
springs or gravity
- maid's
master key
- n. the master key
in a hotel master key system given to the maid. It
operates only cylinders of the guestrooms and linen
closets in the maid's designated area.
- maison
key system
- n. [from the
French, meaning "house" key system] a keying
system in which one or more cylinders are operated by
every key (or relatively large numbers of different keys)
in the system; e.g., main entrances of apartment
buildings operated by all individual suite keys of the
- man door
- n. a door designed to allow access by a person. It
may be located in a wall, or in another, larger,
door which has other purposes.
- man
- n. a sally port
designed for pedestrian traffic
- manipulate
- v. a dialing process typically used with
combination locks to determine operational status of the
lock, potential combinations or attempt to free the
- manipulation
- n. a opening method for mechanical combination
locks which uses the tolerances of that lock to determine an
opening combination
- manipulation
- n. any key other
than a correct key which can be variably positioned
and/or manipulated in a keyway to operate a lock or
- manipulation proof
- n. a combination lock with features designed
to prevent determining the combination without physical attack
- manipulation resistant
- n. a combination lock with features that
prevent determining the combination without physical
attack within a specific time limit
- manual dogging
- n. 1. an exit device that requires a physical
action to dog it, v. 2. using a wrench or a special key to
dog an exit device
manufacturer reset code
- n. in an electronic
lock, a factory-set or user-set code or combination that
will restore the factory default settings
- master blank
- n. a key blank used
in a complementary keyway lock, on which only the
master key combination is intended to be cut
- master code
- n. in an electronic lock, a factory-set or user-set
combination that must be used before programming the lock
- master
- n. a special disc
tumbler with multiple gates to receive a sidebar, see
also "master pin" #1, see also "stepped
- master
- n. 1. a key which
operates all the master keyed locks or cylinders in a
group, each lock or cylinder usually operated by its own
change key, 2. v. to combinate a group of locks or
cylinders such that each is operated by its own change
key as well as by a master key for the entire group, 3.
n. an automotive key which operates all or most locks on
a vehicle where there is also a valet key employed
- master
key changes
- n. the number of
different usable change keys available under a given
master key
- master
key system
- n. 1. any keying
arrangement which has two or more levels of keying 2. a
keying arrangement which has exactly two levels of keying
- master
- adj. 1. of or
pertaining to a cylinder or group of cylinders which are
or are to be combinated so that all may be operated by
their own change key(s) and by additional key(s) known as
master key(s) 2. a warded lock whose warding has been
designed to allow different hierarchies of keys to
- master
keyed only
- adj. of or
pertaining to a lock or cylinder which is or is to be
combinated only to a master key
- master
- n. a lever tumbler
which can align some or all other levers in its lock so
that their gates are at the fence. It is typically used
in locker locks.
- master
- n. 1. usually a
cylindrical shaped tumbler, flat on both ends, placed
between the top and bottom pin to create an additional
shear line 2. a pin tumbler with multiple gates to accept
a sidebar
- master
- n. a tube shaped
sleeve located between the plug and shell of certain
cylinders to create a second shear line. Normally the
plug shear line is used for change key combinations and
the shell shear line is used for master key combinations.
- master
ring lock/cylinder
- n. a lock or
cylinder equipped with a master ring
- master
- n. a ward used in
certain binary type disc tumbler key-in-knob locks, see
also "master pin" #1, see also "stepped
- mat switch
- n. a flat semi flexible device which opens or closes
a circuit when rated pressure is applied
- matrix
format master keying
- n. a method of
generating combinations and assigning key symbols in a
master key system through the use of a matrix
- maximum
adjacent cut specification
- n. the maximum
allowable difference between adjacent cut depths
- maximum
compound cut specification
- n. the maximum allowable
difference between the different depths of a compound cut
- maximum
opposing cut specification
- n. the maximum
allowable depths to which opposing cuts can be made
without breaking through the key blade. This is typically
a consideration with dimple keys.
- Abb. Maximum Compound Cut
media safe
- n. a security container
designed to maintain an internal temperature at which multi-media
will remain reliable for a set period of time
- medium stile
- adj. pertaining to an aluminum or hollow metal door with a
stile generally between 3-1/4 and 4-1/4 inches wide
- mesh change
- n. a type of hand change combination lock wheel,
consisting of an inner and outer wheel which engage each other
by intermeshing teeth
- metal
desk lock
- n. a cabinet lock
with a vertically sliding bolt located at the rear of the
- meter
- n. 1. a padlock
whose shackle consists of a single removable post,
designed for locking utility meters or valves. 2. any of
several small devices specifically designed to lock
utility meters or valves and which require either a key
or special wrench for removal
- milling cutter
- n. a key machine cutter with relatively coarse pitch
teeth as opposed to a rotary file cutter
- milling
- n. the distinctive
shape caused by the curved surface of milling cutters
at the bow end of a key blade
- mis-cut
- 1. adj. of or
pertaining to a key which has been cut incorrectly 2. n.
a mis-cut key
- MK
- abb. master key
- abb. modified key coding system
- MK'd
- abb. master keyed
- MK'd
- abb. master keyed
- MK
- abb. master key
- abb. maximum
opposing cut specification
- modified key coding system
- n. a modification of the standard key coding system, in which
the TMK of a system with three or more levels of keying has a single letter
name, and keys at lower levels are named following SKCS conventions
Mogul cylinder
- n. a pin tumbler
cylinder with a diameter of 2.0", whose pins,
springs, key, etc. may also be proportionally increased
in size. It is frequently used in prison locks.
- monitor pin
- n. a device that requires a specific mechanical feature on a key, such
as a protrusion or the lack of a cut in a specific area, to allow the
lock to operate
- monitored door
- n. a door
with a device that reports, or reports and
records, the operational status of the door, lock or other hardware
- mortise
- 1. v. to prepare by removing stock material from the
edge of a door, drawer, frame or opening to create a recess which allows
the flush fit or insetting of relevant lock or other hardware, 2. n. the
cavity prepared by mortising, 3. adj. of or pertaining to a locking
device designed to fit in a mortise preparation
- mortise
- n. a threaded
cylinder typically used in mortise locks of American
- mortise exit device
- n. an exit device designed for mortise
- mortise
- n. a lockset the
case of which is designed to fit in a mortise in the
edge of a door or drawer
- motion
alarm lock
- n. a security locking device
which audibly alerts upon sensing motion
- movable
key insert
- n. any device pressed
into or connected to a key blank, such that its presence
and movement are required for proper key operation,
and the absence of which results in a lockout
- movement
- n. a mechanical,
electronic or electro-mechanical timer, designed to inhibit
the final unlocking of a combination lock or timelock
- MP
- abb. manipulation
- MR
- abb. manipulation
- MS
- abb. Maximum Security. A trademark of the
Adams Rite Manufacturing Co.
- mullion
- n. a vertical
center post in the frame of a pair of doors
- multi-color finish
- adj. of or pertaining to a lockset whose
finish is different for different trim components on one
side of a door
- multi-part key
- n. any bit key not able to be duplicated by a single casting process
- multi-point lock
- n. a lock which has more than one bolt
which are thrown and withdrawn simultaneously, often in
more than one direction
- multi-section
key blank
- n. a key section
which enters more than one, but not all keyways in a
multiplex key system
- multiple
- n. a means of
master keying by providing a tumbler with more than one
- multiplex
key blank
- n. any key
blank which is part of a multiplex key system
- multiplex
key system
- n. 1. a series of
different key sections which may be used to expand a
master key system by repeating bittings on additional key
sections. The keys of one key section will not enter the
keyway of another key section. This type of system always
includes another key section which will enter more than
one, or all of the keyways. 2. a keying system which uses
such keyways and key sections
- muntin
- n. a structural member in a door or window
used to divide a large lite into smaller ones
- mushroom
- n. a pin tumbler,
usually a top pin, which resembles a mushroom. It is
typically used to increase pick resistance
- mykey chart
- n. a matrix depicting user requested cross keying by
listing keys along one axis and openings along the other. So named
because it is frequently accompanied by the statement "My key goes
here and here and here."
This listing of
the glossary is courtesy of

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